Enhanced Visitor Management System
Automate visitors’ registration process into the smart workspace system for seamless entry and exit with AI technology.
The DELTA self-registration kiosk and FRONTIER management system promote convenience by keeping track of every individual entering the premises.
Identity Verification
Badge Printing

Face Access Control
With advanced AI deep learning technology and limitless functions, facial recognition terminals have superior features that improve efficiency through access control and time attendance tracking. Embedded with smart thermal modules, these devices can lower the risk of COVID-19 in your workspace.
Why Face Access Control?
Meeting Room Management
Increase business productivity among employees by simplifying collaborations together. Create a more connected campus by embracing digitalization to make facility management easier.

Book With Any Device

Use your phone to find available meeting rooms and book them on-the-go.

Displays outside each meeting room show available and room status.

Book meeting rooms directly from Google Calendar, Microsoft Teams, or other popular collaboration platforms.

Hot Desk Management
Automate the management of available desk spaces with a platform where employees can reserve, use, and check out on their own.
Simplified Management
Prepare for a future of work without cubicles or fixed desks. Manage hundreds of desks through one platform with ease.
Multiple Check-in Options
The app, compatible with mobile and web, can be integrated with third-party platforms for a seamless experience for users and facility managers.
Sync workspace data with existing platforms
Sync all data on office utilization, scheduling, and more on popular management platforms for easier management.

User Management and SSO
Allow users to authenticate their identity using their company authentication credentials through Microsoft Active Directory, Local, or Single Sign-on.
Permission & Policy Update
Optimize room usage by setting the room permissions and personalized advanced booking days for each person or department.
Seamless Integration to 3rd Party Applications
Our open system allows integration with 3rd party applications such as Office365, Google Calendar, Microsoft Teams, Outlook, Zoom, Active Directory, and more.
Real-time Workspace Analytics
Enhance efficiency with real-time analytics conducted on room occupancy, duration, and more.
